dag package


dag.config_layer_traverser module

dag.dag_traverser module

Abstract module to traverse a DAG


Carl Anderson (carl.anderson@weightwatchers.com)

class dag.dag_traverser.DagTraverser(configuration)

Bases: ABC

Abstract module to traverse a DAG

_abc_impl = <_abc_data object>
abstract run_section_by_section()

Do we want go through section by section?


suppose we had 5 sections and we asked to run just 2: section1 and section2. Is it important that we run section1 and then section 2 (if so, return True) or just that we run all the nodes from section1 and section2 together in some desired order (return False)


result (Boolean)

abstract traversal_list()

get list of nodes to traverse


list of node name in the order that they should be run

Return type:

sequence (list)

dag.depth_first_traverser module

dag.traverser_factory module

Module contents