DAG Configurations

In primrose, you run a job by defining a directed acylic graph, hereafter DAG, with a configuration file.

Graphs consists of two components:

  • nodes: these are the individuals steps (actually classes) that need to be run, such as a CsvReader or DecisionTreeModel.

  • edges: these are the dependencies among nodes, and typically (but not always) involve a flow of data from the source node to the destination node. For instance, you may need a reader to run, and for the data to flow to a downstream writer so that it can be written out. In this case, you define an edge from the reader to a writer. All edges are directed.

    An edge, however, may not require a data flow. For instance, a writer (which might represent the last actual work step of a DAG) might connect to a final success step to track the DAG completion. That success step might not need any data other than a signal that it is its turn to fire.

Here is a very simple DAG consisting of a reader node flowing to a writer node with a single directed edge:

Configuration Files

primrose configuration files can be defined using json or yaml format. This guide will detail json style configuration, but feel free to view example yaml configurations in the config directory.

At the highest level, configuration files consists of two sections:

  • metadata section. This section is optional and contains the data that defines any global (job-level) parameters. This section is documented here.

  • implementation section. This required section contains the actual DAG definition.

This is the highest level skeleton of a configuration file:

    "metadata": {},
    "implementation_config": {}

The typical flow of a machine learning job is

readers --> pipelines --> models --> postprocess --> writers --> success

and so configuration files tend to gather nodes of a particular type into a section. Readers are defined within a reader_config section, pipelines nodes are defined within a pipeline_config section etc.

Importantly, these sections are optional. That is, you can have 0 or 1 of each of reader_config, pipeline_config, model_config, postprocess_config, writer_config, and success_config.

Here is an example configuration consisting of a single reader node flowing into a writer node. There is a single reader_config and a single writer_config and no other sections.

    "implementation_config": {
        "reader_config": {
            "read_data": {
                "class": "CsvReader",
                "filename": "data/tennis.csv",
                "destinations": [
        "writer_config": {
            "write_output": {
                "class": "CsvWriter",
                "key": "data",
                "dir": "cache",
                "filename": "tennis_output.csv"

If you wish to have sections other than reader_config, pipeline_config, model_config, postprocess_config, writer_config, or success_config, you can do so but you will need to register them in the metadata section. Please see Configuration Metadata for full details.

Section Order

The order of the sections within implementation_config is not important and does not impact the order of operations. Thus,

    "implementation_config": {
        "writer_config": {
            "write_output": {
                "class": "CsvWriter",
                "key": "data",
                "dir": "cache",
                "filename": "tennis_output.csv"
        "reader_config": {
            "read_data": {
                "class": "CsvReader",
                "filename": "data/tennis.csv",
                "destinations": [

is valid and defines the same DAG—a reader flowing to a writer—as the earlier example. This is true because the edges are all directed. What defines the DAG is not the sections but the nodes and directed edges, the underlying graph, here read_data node --> write_output node.

Node Definitions

In the example above, we defined two DAG nodes: a reader node and a writer node. Let’s examine the reader_config section:

    "reader_config": {
        "read_data": {

Node Names

reader_config (and is true of all sections) is a dictionary. Its keys are the names of the nodes. Thus, within reader_config we have a single key, read_data. So, we have one DAG node in reader_config and it is called read_data.

The read_data node defines a dictionary. All nodes are defined by dictionaries.

Class Key

Every node definition must contain a class key. This defines the string, typically the class name, that is registered with the NodeFactory, and specifies which class we wish to run at this point in the DAG.

    "read_data": {
        "class": "CsvReader",

Destinations Key

read_data also specifies a list destinations. This is the key that specifies the edges. Destinations, as the name suggests, is the list of other node names, that data from this node should flow to.

In the example above read_data specifies that it has an edge connecting to the node named write_output

    "read_data": {
        "destinations": [

destinations may be an empty list:

    "destinations": []

or it may be missing completely, as in the write_output node above.

As you might expect, the names listed within the destinations list must be valid names of nodes within the DAG. Moreover, they must not be node names that would create cycles within the graph.

For instance, this would not be a valid DAG:

    "implementation_config": {
        "reader_config": {
            "read_data": {
                "destinations": [
        "writer_config": {
            "write_output": {
                "destinations": [

as read_data -> write_output -> read_data is a cycle.

Other Special Required Keys

Pipeline-type nodes require an is_training key with a value one of:

  • true

  • false

Model-type nodes require a mode key with a value one of:

  • train

  • predict

  • eval

Other Class-Specific Keys

Nodes may define keys other than class, destinations, is_training, and mode that they need to fully parameterize their operation. For instance, in the read_data node, of type CsvReader

    "read_data": {
        "class": "CsvReader",
        "filename": "data/tennis.csv",
        "destinations": [

we find a filename key. This makes sense, a CsvReader has to know the path to the file it must read from.

Each node class may define a set of additional required keys. Those are defined in the necessary_config() method of the class implementation. To find out which keys are needed, you can

  • attempt to run the job with the configuration file and the validation process will tell you which keys are necessary but missing.

  • examine other example configuration files

  • examine the source code of the class.

Other nodes may require many more additional fields than the single filename key above. For instance, in this DecisionTreeModel-type node, four other keys are required: seed (to make the job reproducible), train_percent (to define the train-test split percentage), y (the target or dependent variable), and X (the features that define the feature matrix).

    "decision_tree_model": {
        "class": "DecisionTreeModel",
        "seed": 42,
        "train_percent": 65.0,
        "y": "play",
        "X": [
        "mode": "precict",
        "destinations": [

Nodes may require other keys that are not required but are optional. For those keys, you will need to examine other configuration files or examine the source code.



The yaml specification already provides support for commenting. Just use the # character to comment:

# this is a comment
# this is too

  # another comment
      class: CsvReader
      - write_output
      filename: data/tennis.csv # inline comment
      class: CsvWriter
      dir: cache
      filename: tennis_output.csv # more comments
      key: data


primrose also supports javascript style comments in json configuration files. By making use of the jstyleson library, it supports /*...*/ and // style comments:

  • single-line comment

  • multi-line comment

  • inline comment

  • trailing comma


     *  this is a comment

    "implementation_config": {
        "reader_config": {
            "read_data": {
                "class": "CsvReader",
                "filename": "data/tennis.csv",
                "destinations": [
                    "write_output"   /* more comments */
        "writer_config": {
            "write_output": {
                "class": "CsvWriter", // an inline comment
                "key": "data",
                "dir": "cache",
                "filename": "tennis_output.csv"

will be parsed correctly as a JSON configuration.

Configuration File Fragment Substitution

There are times when you may have a section of a configuration file that represents some coherent chunk of functionality that you would like to reuse in multiple configurations. primrose supports the ability to bring in that configuration fragment using jinja substitution for both json and yaml config files.

It looks for the presence of {% include some/path/to/configuration/fragment.json %} in your file.

This is more easily explained with an example.

Suppose you have the following configuration file:

        {% include "test/metadata_fragment.json" %}
        "implementation_config": {
            {% include "test/read_write_fragment.json" %}

and test/metadata_fragment.json is


and test/read_write_fragment.json is

            "reader_config": {
                "read_data": {
                    "class": "CsvReader",
                    "filename": "data/tennis.csv",
                    "destinations": [
            "writer_config": {
                "write_output": {
                    "class": "CsvWriter",
                    "key": "data",
                    "dir": "cache",
                    "filename": "tennis_output.csv"

primrose will swap {% include "test/metadata_fragment.json" %} with the contents of test/metadata_fragment.json and it will swap {% include "test/read_write_fragment.json" %} with the contents of config/read_write_fragment.json to produce:

        "implementation_config": {
            "reader_config": {
                "read_data": {
                    "class": "CsvReader",
                    "filename": "data/tennis.csv",
                    "destinations": [
            "writer_config": {
                "write_output": {
                    "class": "CsvWriter",
                    "key": "data",
                    "dir": "cache",
                    "filename": "tennis_output.csv"

Note: the final configuration will go through the normal validation process (see below) and it is up to the user to make sure that the destinations listed in the fragments line up with the rest of the configuration correctly.

Environment Variable Substitution

There are times when you need to perform environment variable substitution in your DAG. primrose supports environment variable substitution for both json and yaml config files.

It performs substitution by looking for custom filter env_override in your config file. This can be demonstrated with a similar example to the previous section.

Suppose you have the following configuration file:

        {% include "test/metadata_fragment.json" %}
        "implementation_config": {
            "reader_config": {
                "read_data": {
                    "class": "CsvReader",
                    "filename": "data/tennis.csv",
                    "destinations": [
            "writer_config": {
                "write_output": {
                    "class": "CsvWriter",
                    "key": "{{ "default" | env_override("KEY") }}",
                    "dir": "cache",
                    "filename": "tennis_output.csv"

and test/metadata_fragment.json is

            "test": "{{ "default" | env_override("TEST") }}"

primrose will swap {{ "default" | env_override("TEST") }} and { "default" | env_override("KEY") }} with environment variable TEST and KEY respectively. If the appropriate environment variable is set as export TEST=foo and export KEY=data, it will produce:

            "test": "foo"
        "implementation_config": {
            "reader_config": {
                "read_data": {
                    "class": "CsvReader",
                    "filename": "data/tennis.csv",
                    "destinations": [
            "writer_config": {
                "write_output": {
                    "class": "CsvWriter",
                    "key": "data",
                    "dir": "cache",
                    "filename": "tennis_output.csv"

Otherwise, the default values will be used, producing

            "test": "default"
        "implementation_config": {
            "reader_config": {
                "read_data": {
                    "class": "CsvReader",
                    "filename": "data/tennis.csv",
                    "destinations": [
            "writer_config": {
                "write_output": {
                    "class": "CsvWriter",
                    "key": "default",
                    "dir": "cache",
                    "filename": "tennis_output.csv"

Configuration File Validation

When you run, or attempt to run, a job using

  primrose run --config path/to/your/config.json

a validation process kicks in to validate as much of the configuration file as possible.

The list below is not exhaustive but, for instance, this process will check:

  • that a single implementation_config key exists

  • that it recognizes the sections (either they are the default reader_config, pipeline_config etc. or they are user-defined sections registered in the metadata section)

  • that node names are unique

  • that each node contains a class key

  • that the value specified for class key is a recognized, registered class

  • that the required additional keys for a node are present

  • the destinations point to known node names

  • that the DAG does not have cycles

  • that if a metadata section is present, it meets a set of requirements. See Configuration Metadata for details on its keys.

When Validation Passes

When you run the job, the job will log the checks being made, such as

primrose run --config config/hello_world_read_write.json

2019-07-12 20:56:36,601 INFO configuration.py __init__: Loading config file at config/hello_world_read_write.json
2019-07-12 20:56:36,601 INFO configuration.py check_sections: OK: all sections are supported operations
2019-07-12 20:56:36,602 INFO configuration.py check_config: OK: all class keys are present
2019-07-12 20:56:36,602 INFO configuration.py check_config: OK: all classes recognized
2019-07-12 20:56:36,602 INFO configuration.py check_config: OK: good necessary_configs
2019-07-12 20:56:36,602 INFO configuration_dag.py create_dag: Checking configuration DAG
2019-07-12 20:56:36,602 INFO configuration_dag.py create_dag: OK: good referential integrity
2019-07-12 20:56:36,602 INFO configuration_dag.py check_connected_components: OK: 1 connected component
2019-07-12 20:56:36,602 INFO configuration_dag.py check_for_cycles: OK: no cycles found

When Validation Fails

If any checks fail, the job will fail with fairly explicit error messages that will specify what is wrong with the configuration file.

For instance, for this configuration with a destination xxx that does not exist,

   "implementation_config": {
       "reader_config": {
           "read_data": {
               "class": "CsvReader",
               "filename": "data/tennis.csv",
               "destinations": [
       "writer_config": {
           "write_output": {
               "class": "CsvWriter",
               "key": "data",
               "dir": "cache",
               "filename": "tennis_output.csv"

Note: xxx is not a node name in the graph.

It will fail with

primrose.configuration.util.ConfigurationError: Did not find xxx destination in reader_config.read_data


Read more about the metadata features of Configurations: Configuration Metadata