grapher package¶
grapher.graph_animator module¶
(config)¶ Bases:
(path_to_repo, branch, directory, gif_filename)¶ create an animated GIF given path to a repo
- Parameters
path_to_repo (str) – path to the git repo
branch (str) – the brnch name, e.g. ‘master’
directory (str) – directory to save the image files to
gif_filename (str) – filepath of final GIF file
- Returns
nothing. Side effect is to save a GIF file at gif_filename
(filenames, gif_filename)¶ create an animated GIF given a list of images
- Parameters
filenames (list) – list of image filenames, ordered in required sequence
gif_filename (str) – filepath of final GIF file
- Returns
nothing. Side effect is to save a GIF file at gif_filename
(repo, commits, directory)¶ given a set of commits, run the LookML grapher to produce one image per commit
- Parameters
commits (list) – list of commits in going forward in time (oldest -> newest)
directory (str) – directory to save the image files to
- Returns
nothing. Side effect is to create a set of images in a directory
(path_to_repo, branch='master')¶ get the list of commits from a repo
- Parameters
path_to_repo (str) – path to the git repo
branch (str) – the brnch name, e.g. ‘master’
- Returns
git Repo commits (list): list of commits in going forward in time (oldest -> newest)
- Return type
repo (Repo)
grapher.lookml_grapher module¶
grapher: creates an image showing the relationship among the models, explores and views
- Authors:
Carl Anderson (
(config)¶ Bases:
A LookML Grapher that parses a set of LookML files specified in some config and creates an image showing the relationship among the models, explores and views
()¶ add nodes and edges to a graph
- Returns
instance of networkx graph
(globstrings)¶ given a list of fileglobs, process them to extract list of nodes and edges, and orphaned views
- Parameters
globstrings (list) – list of globstrings
- Returns
nothing but side effect is that nodes are strored in self.node_map and self.models_to_explores and self.explores_to_views are completed
()¶ retrieve the set or orphaned views (if any) from the set of files
- Prerequisites:
tag_orphans() has been called
- Returns
set of view names (if any)
(g, filename, title, node_size=500, label_font_size=12, text_angle=0, image_width=16, image_height=12)¶ plot the graph and write to file
- Parameters
g (networkx) – networkx graph object
filename (str) – path to write image to
title (str) – title to add to chart
node_size (int) – node size
label_font_size (int) – font size
text_angle (int) – angle to rotate. This is angle in degrees counter clockwise from east
image_width (int) – width of image in inches
image_height (int) – heightof image in inches
- Returns
nothing but does write image to file
(m, e)¶ extract the views referenced by these explores and add them to node map and add explore–>view or model–>explores
- Parameters
m (str) – model
e (str) – explore
- Returns
nothing. Side effect is to add to maps
(lookml)¶ given a filepath to a LookML file, extract the views, models, explores as the nodes as well as any model–>explore and explore–>view edges
- Parameters
filepath (str) – path to LookML file
json_data (JSON) – chunk of JSONified LookML code
- Returns
nothing but stores node names and their types as well as edges
()¶ process the set of files and create an image of the graph
- Returns
nothing. Saves an image file, specified in the config
()¶ find any orphaned views and tag them as orphan node type
- Returns
nothing but side effect is that any orphans are tagged in the node map